Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July & Miniatures I've Completed

Hi, and Welcome to my new blog.  I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July.  Send a note to someone in the military today!  Thank you Corkie, Rita, Bart, and Rocky for your service to our country!

This is a new blog, so I still have plenty of links to complete and photos to upload.  In the meantime, here are some miniature paintings I have completed this weekend.  I thought these blocks of cedar would be perfect for ACEO sized paintings, but they were a bit short on one side so they are just miniature paintings now.  The cedar blocks have been weathered, so I sanded until my hands could take no more.  The wood has plenty of ridge texture on it still.  I like the texture, but it was difficult to paint details across.
Since the wood is well aged and weathered, I prepared it after sanding by priming each block on all sides except the back with multiple coats of gesso with the top coat slightly tinted.  I do a monocrome painting followed with layers of color until I get the effect I'm after.  These were mainly for practice for possible larger paintings, so I may post them on Ebay to generate traffic to my blog.

Please look around and if you have any suggestions for the format of my blog, please leave a comment.



  1. Hi Trey,

    The texture of the wood provides an interesting effect to your works.
    Good luck with your new blogging endeavour.

    Best regards,


  2. I really like it Trey. You should start doing are shows..
